Abu Dhabi

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Joe Mancuso since I was a senior in college almost 25 years ago. Joe has been a great mentor and friend to me, and our long standing involvement in CEO Clubs has been extremely rewarding.
Through CEO Clubs, I have learned immeasurably, made lifelong friends, and participated as a speaker at two international conferences. I would recommend membership in CEO Clubs for any entrepreneur seeking to maximize her or his potential."
"Joe is remarkable and so is his CEO Club. His job of "herding cats," i.e. getting CEOs/entrepeneurs focused and headed in the same direction, is a major feat. I've been in CEO Clubs International for about 12 years and have a lifetime membership. I took my company public. It was the first time in 65 years a company in our business sector had accomplished that. Then when the market conditions changed, I took the company private again and sold it for a nice shareholder value. CEO Clubs International's members were an immense help in this process. Plus I then had them as friends I could talk to about any problem in my life and many members have become close life-long friends."
"Being an entrepreneur can sure be lonely. Most people think you're crazy. But since I've joined CEO Clubs, I've met hundreds of like-minded individuals,globally. Instead of telling me I'm crazy, I get nonstop encouragement. CEO Clubs members have the attitude that anything's possible. Everyone openly shares their successes and failures. We all make mistakes, but when you can learn from others, your chances of success are greatly increased. My heartfelt thanks to Joe Mancuso, and fellow members. Your friendship has been absolutely priceless..."
"I have been a member of CEO Clubs for one year and have been impressed with the wealth of information and support the Club provides. Each meeting provides me with a new learning opportunity through the guest speakers and group interactions. In addition, I have developed relationships with other CEOs and have learned a great deal from their experiences and the challenges they have faced. I look forward to continuing my education with CEO Clubs for many years."
"Art Janes and I meet a dozen years ago as we were both members of CEO Clubs Super Pac, each heading a separate business. About five years ago, I joined Art (engineer) as his right hand man and we have used our complimentary skills to expand PDS in Dallas to become the leader in temporary technical employees. Journey so far has been amazing with CEO Clubs.”
"Joe Mancuso has put together a group of experienced CEOs who after participating with each other in problem solving, attend a luncheon where when listening to the luncheon speakers, are like students with wide open eyes. You never leave a meeting without learning something of value. The benefits of membership far outweigh the cost or time commitment required. And, you will also make some friends along the way."
"I am proud to be a part of CEO Clubs for over a decade, spanning the founding of two businesses. The exposure has been phenomenal and I am certain that the benefits of this relationship will not only strengthen our brand, it will result in the implementation of marketing and business development steps. CEO Clubs is like having a Board of Advisors and a Highly Successful Focus Group at your fingertips!"
"I have been a lifetime member of both CEO Clubs and its Super PAC for about 18 years. It has been among my best ever long term investments. I recommend it to anyone wanting to grow their business in a painless way. I have learned many business lessons and made many lifelong friends from the membership."
“CEO Clubs has been essential to grow my business in the US and Asia for many years – but the real benefits are the friendship that I have forged with incredible business and thought leaders. A membership is a must for business people, because the interaction with peers from other industries provides exposure to issues and trends that could be relevant to one’s core business as well. Being part of the Clubs is like participating in an ongoing global MBA – program."
"CEO Clubs is a source of inspiration to me - the members have a wealth of knowledge and are very open and confident to share their experiences. Membership in this organization is both a perk and a necessity for today's business owner. I often bring clients to meet with the dynamic NYC group, everyone leaves having learned something new, and is always amazed at the talent in the room."
"A valuable opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and share intelligence with the elite business leaders in the world."
"CEO Clubs has been part of my life since 2007. It has been a pleasure to be surrounded by entrepreneurs with very bright views on business and beyond. It’s incredibly valuable to meet people from different spheres of the business arena, sharing their experiences, struggles, and successes close to home and in the international markets. Thank you for being there."
"My experience with CEO Clubs and Joe Mancuso has been both supportive! In the business sessions with other CEOs, a business owner can learn things no one else will tell you. It is lonely being the boss and someone needs to give you the advice and criticism you will not get anywhere else."
"I've now been part of CEO Clubs for approximately 12 years. When I joined, I couldn't believe that there was an organization that catered to entrepreneurs like CEO Clubs. I was just like a sponge and went to every meeting. In the past 12 years, any time I needed extra help, you were always there for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your personal help and the information I've learned from CEO Clubs."
"I joined CEO Clubs in 2003 as a CEO of a Nasdaq public company with expectations of getting business advice from some very talented CEOs. What I didn't expect were the friendships that developed with men and women executives that openly and genuinely want to help their peers succeed in business as well as in life. Being part of CEO Clubs means “it is no longer lonely at the top."
“I have been a lifetime CEO Club member for thirty years and I can say it has been among my most rewarding and valuable investments. I most recently traveled to China and Korea, and it was a terrific experience. Iam a person who love ’making money and having fun’, as you can see from my pictures. “joe, without my involvement in the CEO group early on I would have had to struggle with many issues and would not have had the time to give to the charitable works listed in the bio. Thank you for your support and education.”
"I'm coming up on my 20th year as a member of CEO Clubs! Joining the club was one of the best business decisions I've ever made. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you and getting access to the seemingly infinite number of CEO's and business owners with a fantasic mix of street smarts, experience, character flaws to make things really interesting!"
“CEO Clubs has truly fulfilled its mission to me by providing the impact of collective wisdom. As changes occur economically, socially and politically, the group keeps me advised of opportunity and corrective measures needed to survive and grow. I can quantify the results; my gross sales and my net have improved significantly since joining the organization. Thank you."”
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