“It’s ok to be independent, but there is no reason to be alone.”
CEO Clubs Worldwide – Pakistan Chapter
“Pakistan is committed to achieving new standards of excellence through fusing people into single entity. CEO Clubs Worldwide – Pakistan Chapter want to be known for reliability, leeway and responsiveness. Growth, longevity and financial success will naturally follow. As a chapter of world’s most premium, oldest and international platform our mission is to fetch Pakistan on the sphere of global connectivity in order to create value and create difference by contributing to the socio-economic development sector of Pakistan. We also aim to provide a resource for established and growing businesses. This Platform is devoted purely for the intellectual growth of CEOs through training and mentoring programs as well as their business growth through mergers, joint ventures and business match making globally. CEO Club’s headquarter is in New York and it was founded by Dr. Joseph Mancuso in 1977. The club has over 16,000 current active members in USA and an equal number outside USA. The global presence of CEO Clubs is in around 15 countries and also will be opening in many other countries in coming years.
Mr. Joseph Mancuso says that we help one another grow our businesses by
“Making money and having fun, while we are learning.”

The Value of Membership
The Club conducts a plethora of forums and round table discussions exclusively addressed to CEOs. It plans and organizes business delegations and matchmaking events, annual retreats, social events as well as educational workshops and business seminars that focus on the key dimensions of high impact leadership. The aim is to provide its members with unique opportunities for learning.